Friday, March 20, 2009

The Faux Fury

I feel the heat! I feel the heat! No not because this is the first day of Spring, but from the continuous and I would even say frenzied flurry coming from the nation's capital. It is from the wave of heated air coming from our politico's faux indignation. Does anyone really believe that these congressman such as Mr. Frank did not know that AIG was going to still hand out bonuses even though they took government money? Spare me, please.

Yet, we (Hey, don't include me. Here in Texas, we have the common sense to elect a Governor such as Rick Perry who is not fooled into having to accept stim money... at least not all of it) keep electing these people who feign being surprised and continually grandstand while grilling the CEO (Liddy). I find it simply outrageous and even scary that Barney Frank would even ask for the names of the recipients of the bonuses. Talk about storm trooping! What's his plan? Does Mr. Frank intend to send some "special" individuals to gather these execs and their families to reeducate them about the "evils" of greed and such? How long will it be till they want to reeducate the rest of us?

Who knows? I maybe overstating their intentions. However, consider what has already been reported. That now it has been "suggested" that these execs and their families should not travel alone for awhile... just for their safety that is. CEO Liddy had himself quoted at his hearing that somone wished that these execs be "strangled with piano wire?" How nice and tolerant. Now who's proffering hate speech? It's not Mr. Limbaugh, Mr. Cheney, or whoever else the Left decides qualifies as a dangerous rogue. Someone who is not cooperating or understanding the good intentions of President Obama's administration.

Now, Mr. Obama did state that he was ultimately responsible for what had happened with AIG; that the Buck did stop with him. That's good. That's good that he is taking responsibility. Just like he did when some of his candidates such as Tom Daschle had to remove their names because of past indiscretions. Commendable. However, you and I know how shallow that is. He is the one who planted the seeds of discontentment; who started the carousel of pitting one financial class against another by saying CEO's of companies taking government money shouldn't make more than $500,000. Only to lead to all this silliness of other CEO's or execs of other companies publicizing their intent to cut their salaries.

C'mon, America, we ain't that dense (as Paul Simon sang, "Say, who do... who do you think you're foolin'?"). President Obama's calculator certainly has been working overtime. And not that we are really expecting him to; but we know he is not going to fire himself because of this oversight on his part. Just like any other powerful man of the past, he'll fire someone else.

Mr. Obama is simply regaling in his own self-importance. Besides, anything that gets such politicos as Barney Frank, Harry Reid, and Nancy Pelosi up in arms and ready to jump off a cliff is very amusing to me. I love it. Love seeing them steaming inside like that. They deserve it... that is, in my opinion. Sounds convoluted on my part, but you'll get over it. No time for being nice now. We're well past that now.

Whew! That heat wave is really coming on strong now. Need to go inside where it's air conditioned. But before I depart, I'll leave with you this: "Knock, knock." "Who's there?" "AIG." "AIG who?" "A... I... G, I thought you knew we were going to give out bonuses."

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