Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Just Some Things to Ponder

Just some various thoughts that I'd like to ponder. Things that I've wondered about from time to time in my long life of 48 years. Maybe you've wondered about these as well from time to time. Well, let's wonder together, shall we?

First, did you ever wonder about the claim that all these aerosol sprays that we have used throughout the years that contained flourocarbons were responsible for causing holes in the ozone layer that covers the Earth? The ozone layer is supposed to protect us from the ultraviolet (uv) rays coming from the sun so that we don't get skin cancer.

Well, all I've ever heard is that these holes were forming (that is if such holes are still forming) over the North and South Poles and just those particular places, nowhere else. North and South Poles?! How in the world did these f-carbons reach over there? Who uses or used (since such harmful substances such as the f-carbons and certain freons were banned to supposedly "protect" the environment) those type of products over there?

I've never heard of Eskimos using hairsprays and certainly not air conditioners. Did someone get a giant fan and blow this stuff over to the Poles? And if those holes are at the poles, how is the rest of the world in danger of skin cancer if the ozone layer is still covering the rest of the Earth? No need to get angry you enviros. Juuuuuust wondering?

Second, many years ago we've heard that the Earth was headed for another ice age because temperatures were actually dropping and would continue to drop over the years. Well, this attempt to panic humanity failed to cause the U.S. and the rest of the fortunate nations to turn over their wealth to all the despotic... er... underprivileged nations. So then, a new crisis needed to be brought up. That, of course, was glooobal warming. Poor Mother Earth. Just like a woman. Can't make up her mind.

Third, how about the notion that we are running out of oil? Yes, it has been rehashed multiple times that the Earth has only so much oil left and that we must continue to look for alternative avenues of energy. So while we continue to debate and trip all over ourselves to attempt to find the ultimate solution to this so called problem, can we perhaps consider another theory?

Don't get excited. Just humor me a little bit here. This may not be new to many of you out there, but what about the possibility that the Earth can actually produce its own oil? Perhaps the Earth is not as dumb as it looks. Consider the possibility, that because the Earth turns on its axis and turns very fast I might add, and because of the centrifugal force that that rotation produces and other physical laws that come into effect. With all the various chemicals that are known or not known about inside the Earth, perhaps with the right mixing of those certain chemicals... out comes that magic elixir that we call oil.

Now, these ideas are not my own. I extrapolated these hypotheses from a book that I had heard about. Never got the book to read it, so you can take it for what its worth. However, two things that I can say using some common sense. We've always heard that we're about to run out of oil, but, lo and behold, more keeps popping up. And the other is... There couldn't have been that many dinosaurs here on the Earth!!! I told that to one of my children a while ago as we discussed the prevailing theory as to where the majority of oil comes from, that it was formed eons ago from the decaying body matter of dinosaurs and other sorts of bio life.

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Come On, Folks

Come on folks, President Obama didn't consult with conservative economists as he claimed a couple of days ago at his press conference. He had claimed that he had consulted with both liberal and conservative economists about how to "fix" the current economy. I find it very far-fetched that any conservative economist would have advised him to continue to not only borrow an exorbitant amount of money but also to print it as well in order to "right" the economic ship.

No doubt, it has been debated to no end concerning the presumptuousness of such acts of pilfering the future of generations to come. Consider the weight of such debt. Consider the inflation as the U.S. dollar loses more of its value. What types of jobs that this "stimulus" package will supposedly create will result in nothing but more bureaucratic pallor as the government will enlarge... as it will enlarge due to more agencies having to be created just to administer such a monstrosity.

No, Mr. and Mrs. American citizen, government is not the answer; and I find it very disingenuous for the president to be castigating anyone much less those Republicans who have refused to jump aboard the good ship Porculus. He should be grateful that there are still people in this great country of ours that still possess the common sense and courage to take a stand, to take a stand against such governmental tyranny. Alas, however, the president will never notice this because of the blindness caused by his lifelong socialistic upbringing; and shame be upon you "Republicans" (Snowe, Collins, Specter) who did decide to betray the people by helping to pass the bill or at least give it the appearance of bi-partisanship.

Aren't we all tired now of being scoffed at by those such as Sen. Chuck Schumer who called those who protested the bill's "little, tiny, porky amendments" the "chattering classes"? Aren't we now tired of seeing these executives constantly being paraded in front of Congress to answer for their failings or transgressions? Having to listen to all the blustering of these politicos while these execs gaze in a stunning manner while being chastised. What purpose does that or will that serve... to watch wealthy people receiving their just desserts? May make us feel good for awhile, but we all know that those type of feelings wear off. Then we're back in same malaise. Hoping for another fix from those in D.C.

Come on, folks. We're all smarter than that. Are we going to take that stand or are we going to be like those people in Billy Joel's video, Piano Man, where all the bar crowd is so caught up by life's tumultuous effects that they choose the numbing of a night of libation? Forgetting vigilance. Forgetting right-mindedness. And, unfortunately, as the video shows, choosing to just feed the jar of the fellow who is playing us a memory so we can forget life for awhile.

Tuesday, February 3, 2009

How Many is too Many?

I would just like to direct your attention to the blessed event that took place sometime last week in California that may shake the foundations of some of you.

Most of the country knows by now about the octuplets that were born and of the questions and even controversy arising from that event. From what I gather as what I heard reported, the woman only intended to have one child according to her father; and her mother said that all her children (she has six others)were conceived in-vitro. So what kind of dilemma can be accorded here? Is the main question or at least one of the main questions arising from this event: How many children is too many? Should there be any controversy?

As that age-old question is addressed, certainly another subject which will be brought up is does she or anyone else who has too many (again, how many would be "too many") children have the financial means by which to care for their brood. According to reports, she's divorced with apparently no one else to help her except her parents; and she may not even have that anymore as her mother was quoted as saying that when those other eight babies finally come home, she is going to leave.

So if the financial means is not there or runs out, who will eventually assume the cost? Well, the taxpayer eventually will; and in this case, it is the California taxpayer. It is well known by now that California is broke (when haven't they been?) and will most likely be issuing IOUs for tax refunds.

Of course, the wails of the birth-control or the world-is-overpopulated crowd will continue to resonate throughout the land. But, of course, the other side (if one wants to put it that way) has their say. "This Earth is not overcrowded. Still plenty of room to accomodate more of the human population," is their usual response. I certainly ascribe to the majority of the views of those that do favor life. Definitely do not believe the Earth is too crowded; and birth control--aka abortion in most cases--for sure, is not any kind of solution.

It is only the solution of a deluded mind; and we can certainly debate and try to navigate all the live-long day through the morass of statements or theories that the over-populated-crowd con-sists of a certain type of people who only want their type to exist and the rest can either be en-
slaved or eliminated (I believe the term "useless eaters" has been used in that capacity to justify that action).

No doubt, many opinions have been propagated about how many children is too many. Not withstanding, one juncture that is reached or come upon is the religious notion (as some may call it) that children are an heritage of the Lord according to Psalm 127:3. In fact, here are the three verses that speak of the value of children:

3. Lo, children are an heritage of the Lord: and the fruit
of the womb is his reward.
4. As arrows are in the hand of a mighty man; so are
children of the youth.
5. Happy is the man that hath his quiver full of them: they
shall not be ashamed, but they shall speak with the
enemies at the gate. King James Version

Consider that. We can continue to moralize or ponder this subject until the end of the age; but the fact remains, if you ascribe to the greatest source of all (which I do at least in this case), children are the ultimate of God's gifts. They are His reward according to Him. Nowhere in those verses or any other place which I have read in His word does it even imply that one can have too many children. In fact, it states you are happy if your quiver is full of them.

Now, of course, those verses must be taken in their proper context with the precept that God's reward of the womb is at its greatest potential in the form of a stable family... in fact, a family that "feareth the Lord" -Psalm 128:1. Certainly, children shouldn't arrive in haphazard situation or atmoshere. There must be a form and order. Again, in this situation, the mother is divorced and only her parents to help her, which is fine except they live in a three-bedroom home. How are seventeen people going to live like that? I've heard charges of child abuse from some such as Bill O'Reilly. Are charges such as that legitimate? Another charge brought out is that she only had the children in order to cash in on a possible book or movie.

So what's the solution? Forced sterilaztion? I believe some judges have already tried ordering that. What tragedy may come of this if any? Are we going to hold our collective breaths and hope this woman does not have an Andrea Yates moment? Could be scary. Yes, the debate seems endless; but for now, let's continue to value God's reward.