First, did you ever wonder about the claim that all these aerosol sprays that we have used throughout the years that contained flourocarbons were responsible for causing holes in the ozone layer that covers the Earth? The ozone layer is supposed to protect us from the ultraviolet (uv) rays coming from the sun so that we don't get skin cancer.
Well, all I've ever heard is that these holes were forming (that is if such holes are still forming) over the North and South Poles and just those particular places, nowhere else. North and South Poles?! How in the world did these f-carbons reach over there? Who uses or used (since such harmful substances such as the f-carbons and certain freons were banned to supposedly "protect" the environment) those type of products over there?
I've never heard of Eskimos using hairsprays and certainly not air conditioners. Did someone get a giant fan and blow this stuff over to the Poles? And if those holes are at the poles, how is the rest of the world in danger of skin cancer if the ozone layer is still covering the rest of the Earth? No need to get angry you enviros. Juuuuuust wondering?
Second, many years ago we've heard that the Earth was headed for another ice age because temperatures were actually dropping and would continue to drop over the years. Well, this attempt to panic humanity failed to cause the U.S. and the rest of the fortunate nations to turn over their wealth to all the despotic... er... underprivileged nations. So then, a new crisis needed to be brought up. That, of course, was glooobal warming. Poor Mother Earth. Just like a woman. Can't make up her mind.
Third, how about the notion that we are running out of oil? Yes, it has been rehashed multiple times that the Earth has only so much oil left and that we must continue to look for alternative avenues of energy. So while we continue to debate and trip all over ourselves to attempt to find the ultimate solution to this so called problem, can we perhaps consider another theory?
Don't get excited. Just humor me a little bit here. This may not be new to many of you out there, but what about the possibility that the Earth can actually produce its own oil? Perhaps the Earth is not as dumb as it looks. Consider the possibility, that because the Earth turns on its axis and turns very fast I might add, and because of the centrifugal force that that rotation produces and other physical laws that come into effect. With all the various chemicals that are known or not known about inside the Earth, perhaps with the right mixing of those certain chemicals... out comes that magic elixir that we call oil.
Now, these ideas are not my own. I extrapolated these hypotheses from a book that I had heard about. Never got the book to read it, so you can take it for what its worth. However, two things that I can say using some common sense. We've always heard that we're about to run out of oil, but, lo and behold, more keeps popping up. And the other is... There couldn't have been that many dinosaurs here on the Earth!!! I told that to one of my children a while ago as we discussed the prevailing theory as to where the majority of oil comes from, that it was formed eons ago from the decaying body matter of dinosaurs and other sorts of bio life.