Thursday, January 29, 2009

Taking the Low Road, Huh?

Well, well, well. Finally. President Obama was sworn in last week. He seems to be going full force in all the things he promised he would accomplish, particularly G. Bay which he just could not close fast enough. Whew! Was that the sound of a mighty rushing wind? Oh my, where will those mighty soldiers of jihad be relocated? Pennsylvania Rep. John Murtha says they're welcome in his district. Guess he wants to visit with them from time to time to chew the fat. Maybe send some pajama-grams along the way. Pssst, don't tell the president there's an ebay. He may think there's torture going on there as well and try to close it down, too. Should be an interesting ride.

But to those of you who decided to boo President Bush when he was leaving for his final destination, what kind of demonstration of class was that to exhibit? Tsk, tsk. Decided to take the low road? Can't even give him a little credit for at least keeping the country safe after the 9-11 attack? That wasn't bad enough, but then those rappers had to add to it with their obscene renderings. But I guess that's par for the course for all you Bush-haters.

Now, afterwards, we're still going to have to listen to your continual droning about how any type of past or future calamity whether it be political, scientific (i.e. global warming), cultural... just about everything will still be his fault. Surely not to mention how many times we'll have to hear from the current prez about the "failed policies of the past administration". Got your earplugs ready? I think we're about to reach critical mass.

Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Those Poor Terrorists

Sometime in November, I had heard radio host Michael Medved mention that the ACLU had taken out an ad in a newspaper to remind President-elect Obama about his promise to close down Guantanamo Bay. That had been put in the back burner for awhile, but now that issue has resurfaced since his inauguration is just around the corner.

Yes, the basic concerns have been bandied about with the main one being where are these terrorists going to go? Are they coming here to America to be held for trial? If so, are they going to receive the same rights as regular U.S. citizens and be tried in a regular court of law? If so, how is that going to be worked out? I mean, if an American is supposed to be tried by a jury of his peers, how would that translate to these terrorists? Do or will these terrorist truly have peers in this country to be tried before? I know it's been done with the Moussouai (sp?) case; and with that, a dangerous precedent may have been set.

Eventually, I have the suspicion that one of these great bastions of truth and justice such as the ACLU will figure a way to snooker a judge to claim that these terrorists are just not going to get a fair trial here in America, and perhaps they need to be tried in a more neutral place. Perhaps an international court in the Hague. In any event, none of this seems to be good.

But wait, I think I may be able to offer a solution. If Club Gitmo needs to be closed down, then they don't need to come here. No, just simply put the terrorists on an island somewhere in the middle of the ocean. Provide them with a couple of months or so of food and a couple of fishing boats. Teach them how to shelter themselves, perhaps how to hunt if the island has wildlife, and teach them to fish. Set a boundary for the boats to go. If the boats pass that boundary, then blow them out of the water-- brutha.

Yeah, know it sounds far-fetched, perhaps convoluted. Know that there will be an outcry. World opinion will not look kindly upon it. Know that Mr. Obama and his wife, (First-time-she's-been-proud-of-her-country) Michelle, will be embarrassed. Don't want that to happen; but if the Club gets shut down, won't those poooor terrorists lose all their excellent health benefits and three square meals.

Now, I heard the Club had marvelous beaches where they were able to sun themselves, even play volleyball in their free time. You know, when they're not busy throwing their excrement on their Marine guards. C'mon, where else are they going to find such fine accommodations. This was their place to escape the rigors of jihad don't you know. Don't worry I'll lock up.

Friday, January 9, 2009

Congratulations Gators and State Educators

Very good game last night between the Florida Gators and Oklahoma Sooners for the BCS championship. Whether the one-loss Gators or undefeated Utah Utes are the real national champions will no doubt continue to be debated for weeks to come. And I guess that's what keeps the college game interesting even for those who may not pay that much attention to it. It sure must get a lot of people a hoppin' if the Utah Attorney General believes he needs to investigate whether the BCS is unfairly keeping schools such as his out of the championship loop. Whether favorable or unfavorable, it does keep the game in the news, which is probably what they want. It certainly has brought in the big-money sponsors.

Anyway, what I just wanted to know is why the game was not cancelled or at least delayed. I am asking all you state educators who are very afraid of people who mention God or Jesus on school grounds or at school-sanctioned events such as last night's game. Who if they don't actually mention those "scary" names at least display them in such a manner which could offend the enlightened, maybe even unnerve some of them. I am speaking about Florida's quarterback Tim Tebow.

Didn't you notice Mr. Tebow had "John 3:16" written on that black tape that he was wearing under his eyes? Why did you allow him to wear that? What happened to "separation between church and state"? Florida is a state school isn't it? C'mon guys, get with the program! Why didn't you ask him to remove the tape or wear tape either with no writing or perhaps a different message such as "Happy Holidays". Oh that's right, the holidays were already over. ( I'll try to think of more suggestions later ). I'm thinking maybe he got permission beforehand or maybe he put the tape on by the time the game started and it was too late to get him to remove it. Yeah, I guess it wouldn't have looked good to have one of your security personnel wrestle him to the ground before he jogged out to the field.

But weren't you afraid of what the ACLU would say. You know, that organization of truth and justice that likes to protect our little babies from those religious zealots who want to acknowledge the Creator. Weren't you afraid they would have a whole lot of court orders in their hands threatening lawsuits if the game continued with Mr. Tebow wearing that tape. Wow, way to stand up you state educators! I am simply floored.

Well, maybe I shouldn't be too surprised that you would allow Mr. Tebow to wear that tape with the scripture. After all, there's such a dearth of knowledge of the Great One and His word in our schools nowadays that I wouldn't be surprised if our young ones even knew what "John 3:16" was. Yeah, I imagine there's not enough time to teach such minute things as biblical history when other important things such as America being a bad country or songs celebrating certain politicians are being taught instead.

Well, again, congratulations to Tim Tebow and the Gators. Oh, yes, and you too state educators for allowing the game to go on. Until next time.

Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Stand Up and Cheer

Well, let's stand up and cheer. The One-hundred-and-Eleventh Congress is now in session. Oh, oh--but wait-- there is an absence of two of its new members, Roland Burris and Smokin' Al Franken. What happened senate democrats? Why are these two not being seated, yet? Did they not have the right credentials when they arrived or did they lose their hall passes. I believe Mr. Franken had been certified, although there still may be a court action to overturn that. You're not going to let a little something like a court action scare you away. I thought you guys thrived on that sort of thing.

How about Mr. Burris? Was he not appointed by one of your own, from your own party. Let's hear it for the Gov. with the cool hairdo, Mr. Blagojevich! He wasn't going to let a few little things like an arrest, a possible indictment or impeachment stop him from performing his rightful duties as the governor of that great state of Illinois. You know, that state that is one hell of a competitor for the most corrupt in this great nation. C'mon Mr. Reid. Where's the brass?

Where did this wave of intregity come from all of a sudden. Ok, maybe it wasn't all of sudden; but you were all doing so well up to now. Why are you making it so hard for yourselves. It's all right there for you. Can't be that you're scared of us Republicans. Why, you have us all on the run don't you. Didn't the nation speak and cast us out from governing in the majority. You now have an almost filibuster-proof Senate. Let's get going here. Show us what you can do.

Sure, I guess I can understand that you need to show some sort of propriety and question Mr. Burris to find out whether he may have promised Governor Blagojevich anything in return in order to fill that seat. Well, I do hope it'll be more than asking if he promised anything in return, ponders a few seconds, answers no, and then you all get together for a hug. Yes, make it a little more intensive and ask where the Gov. gets his hair styled. Maybe his wife cuts it for him. Don't want to make it too difficult for you. So we'll just leave it at that for right now.

Well, let me know how it all comes out. I may be too busy doing a few things here like watching the tumbleweeds blow by ( I live here in Texas). Sail on sweet miss.